Liegeflaeche konstruieren - Bauen Sie Ihre eigene Campingbox - BiberBox Selbstbau Anleitung

Bauen Sie Ihre eigene Campingbox – BiberBox Selbstbau Anleitung


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Dies ist eine Übersetzung der deutschen Originalanleitung auf der BiberBox, wo Sie natürlich auch eine fertige BiberBox für Ihr Auto kaufen können. I find it very cool though that the maker of also gives you this detailed DIY manual and material shopping list on how to make your own. Or you can use parts of this setup to make certain elements of your camping box and then improvise with the rest – make it fit your needs.

If you don’t know Biberbox, it’s one of the cheapest camping boxes you’ll find at only 959 EUR. If fits most MPVs, there’s also a van version + the website gives you exact measurements, so you can check whether it’ll fit your car. If ordering outside of DE and EU, email first:

Required materials – DIY BiberBox

For MPVs


  • 3 hinges 60 x 60 mm
  • 3 hinges 60 x 90 mm
  • 2 lifting hinges 80 x 60 mm
  • 2 magnetic snaps / furniture magnets
  • 1 pair of drawer extensions/partial extension 550 mm
  • 100 countersunk screws 3.5 x 16 mm
  • 100 universal screws 6 x 45 mm

Wooden parts

  • (18 mm multiplex birch or glued beech)
  • 4 plates á 1120 x 600 mm
    (lid and bottom of the box, head and middle part)
  • 4 boards á 280 x 600 mm (side parts of the box)
  • 1 panel 300 x 600 mm (slot)
  • 1 panel 1120 x 300 mm (front flap of the box)
  • 8 squared timbers (spruce) 44 x 44 x 600 mm

Miscellaneous / Tools

  • 2 ropes, each 2 m long and 6 mm in diameter
  • 2 cable clamps optional
  • Sandpaper 60 and 120 grit (240)
  • wood glue
  • Hardwood Oil
  • Jigsaw
  • Drilling machine
- Bauen Sie Ihre eigene Campingbox - BiberBox Selbstbau Anleitung

For vans


  • 3 hinges 60 x 60 mm
  • 3 hinges 60 x 90 mm
  • 2 lifting hinges 80 x 60 mm
  • 2 magnetic snaps / furniture magnets
  • 1 pair of drawer extensions/partial extension 650 mm
  • 100 countersunk screws 3.5 x 16 mm
  • 100 universal screws 6 x 45 mm

Wooden parts

  • (18 mm multiplex birch or glued beech)
  • 4 plates á 1200 x 700 mm
  • (lid and bottom of the box, head and middle part)
  • 4 boards á 500 x 700 mm (side parts of the box)
  • 1 panel 300 x 700 mm (slot)
  • 1 panel 1200 x 520 mm (front flap of the box)
  • 8 squared timbers (spruce) 44 x 44 x 700 mm

Miscellaneous / Tools

  • 2 ropes, each 2 m long and 6 mm in diameter
  • 2 cable clamps optional
  • Sandpaper 60 and 120 grit (240)
  • wood glue
  • Hardwood Oil
  • Jigsaw
  • Drilling machine
DIY Materialliste van - Bauen Sie Ihre eigene Campingbox - BiberBox Selbstbau Anleitung

Assembly Instructions – DIY BiberBox

Preparation of the side panels

  1. Using the jigsaw, two of the 4 side parts are given an oval recess measuring WxH 20cm x 5cm in the middle of the long side and about 5 cm from the upper edge. These later serve as recessed grips.
  2. A rail for the drawer pull-out is attached to a side part with a cut-out and a side part without a cut-out in the middle of the short front side (15 cm) of the side part.
  3. The squared timbers are then screwed flush to the long front sides of all side parts with 3 universal screws each. The squared timber must be attached to the side parts with rails on the same side.
Seitenteile vorbereiten - Bauen Sie Ihre eigene Campingbox - BiberBox Selbstbau Anleitung

Assembling the box

  1. The side parts with the recess are screwed flush to the short front sides of the box floor with 3 universal screws each. The squared timbers are directed towards the middle of the box.
  2. The side part without a recess but with a rail is screwed to the bottom of the box at a distance of 30.5 cm (measured between the two inner sides of the side parts facing each other) opposite the side part with the recess and rail.
  3. The last side panel is screwed to the bottom of the box at a distance of 26 cm from the side panel with a recess and without a rail. The squared timbers face each other.
  4. The box lid is placed flush on the free squared timber of the side parts and screwed to them. Please make sure that the side parts are vertical.
  5. The front flap and the bottom of the box are connected with the 3 hinges (dimensions 60mm x 60mm) on the side where the rails are inserted.
  6. The box is divided into 3 areas. The magnetic catch is attached to the underside of the box lid in the left and right area of ​​the box.
  7. The 2 metal counter plates of the magnetic catch are attached to the upper edge of the front flap in such a way that contact is made with the magnetic catch when the door is closed.
  8. The counterparts (rails) for the rails are screwed to the long sides of the shelf. The shelf can then be hung on the rails.
- Bauen Sie Ihre eigene Campingbox - BiberBox Selbstbau Anleitung

Bed surface/platform

  1. With the jigsaw, 5 evenly distributed recesses in the form of rounded rectangles (dimensions WxH 10cm x 40cm) are made in the plate for the middle part and the head part. The two outer rectangular recesses have a distance of 11 cm to the short side of the edge of the plate. All other distances between the recesses are 10 cm. The cutouts can later be used as feet for the box.
  2. At the head part, 2 x 2 holes for the ropes are drilled with the drill and a 10 mm wood drill bit. The holes must be 5 cm or 7 cm from the edge of one of the long ends and 5 cm from the right and left short ends.
  3. The two lift-out hinges are attached symmetrically to one of the long front sides of the central bed.
  4. 3 hinges (dimensions 60mm x 90mm) are attached to the opposite long front side of the central part on the back of the panel in such a way that the hinge pin is approx. 1cm away from the edge of the panel.
  5. The 3 hinges on the central bed element are connected to the headboard. Here, too, the distance between the hinge pin and the edge of the headboard should be 1 cm. Important: The 2 x 2 holes must be on the opposite side of the hinges.
  6. The counterpart to the lifting hinges on the central lying part must be screwed onto the box lid at the same distance. Ideally, the counterpart should be attached to the central lying part before screwing it on, thus aligning the lying surface with the box.
  7. The 2m ropes are pulled through the 2 drill holes on the left and right in the head part. Each rope is formed into a loop using the rope clamps.
Liegeflaeche konstruieren - Bauen Sie Ihre eigene Campingbox - BiberBox Selbstbau Anleitung

Surface treatment

  1. The surface of the box and the lying surface is sanded down with coarse 60-grit sandpaper by hand or with a sanding machine.
  2. Thoroughly remove wood dust from the surface and then apply the hardwood oil with a sponge or wipe away cloth. Apply only as much as the wood can absorb. Remove excess oil from the wood.
  3. When the surface has dried, sand again by hand or machine with fine 120 sandpaper.
  4. If necessary, oil can be applied again and later sanded with very fine 240 sandpaper. Depending on how classy the DO-It-Yourself beaver box should look.

You can find assembly instructions for download here (directly from

🏆Beste Autos für Camping 🏆

Honda Odyssey 🇺🇸
3.8/5 ⭐⭐⭐⭐☆
  1. Fiat Doblò Wohnmobil XL, Hochdach 🇪🇺 4.0/5
  2. Honda Odyssey 🇺🇸 4.0/5
  3. Volkswagen Sharan 🇪🇺 3.9/5
  4. Caddy Maxi Camper (Life) 🇪🇺 3.8/5

Sehen Sie alle Fahrzeuge in unserer Datenbank, ihre Kofferraummaße und mehr ➡️

vaude drive van car tent 9 - Bauen Sie Ihre eigene Campingbox - BiberBox Selbstbau Anleitung
Vaude Drive Van Vorzelt

VAUDE Drive Van Autovorzelt
650 EUR: 429 EUR (-34%)

Speziell entwickelt zum rückwärtigen und seitlichen Andocken an Vans und Transporter.

  • selbststehende Konstruktion zum seitlichen und rückwärtigen Andocken an Fahrzeuge
  • passt auf gängige Vans bis 2,15 m Höhe
  • hervorragende Belüftung durch Netzfenster und Belüftungshutzen
  • Gewicht: 7500 g
  • Packmaß: 60 x 30 cm
  • Material: Außenzelt: 100% Polyester 75 D Polyurethane coated 3.000 mm, Gestänge: AI 6061 19 mm
vaude drive wing - Bauen Sie Ihre eigene Campingbox - BiberBox Selbstbau Anleitung
Vaude Drive Wing Vorzelt

VAUDE Drive Wing Autovorzelt
430 EUR: 288 EUR (-33%)

Speziell entwickeltes Zelt zum Andocken an Kastenwagen, wie z.B. den VW Caddy, Citroen Berlingo, Renault Kangoo, Opel Combo u.a.

  • hervorragende Belüftung durch Netzfenster
  • steht auch ohne Fahrzeug
  • steile, leicht bedienbare Eingänge
  • Gewicht: 4300 g
  • Packmaß: 60×25 cm
  • Material: Außenzelt: 100% Polyester 70D 185T, Polyurethane 3000 mm, Gestänge: Al 6061 14,5 mm

Here’s a note from the BiberBox author Patrick Langer:

The donation link goes directly to .de PayPal.

I wish you every success with your project!

… and I would be happy if you share a picture or two of your own DIY with me.

You are also welcome to send me suggestions, tips for the instructions or even a small recognition.

paypal danke button - Bauen Sie Ihre eigene Campingbox - BiberBox Selbstbau Anleitung
Thank you! 🙂

Here’s how the result could look like:

Autor des Beitrags:


Gründer von, begeisterter Reisender und Outdoor-Fan. Autocamping und Microcamping ermöglichen es mir, mit einem viel größeren Maß an Freiheit und Privatsphäre zu reisen und zu erkunden – ich kann überall hingehen und überall schlafen. Ich hatte keine 30.000 Euro, um mir einen VW Multivan zu kaufen, also fand ich den Weg in die Welt der Campingausbauten für Alltagsautos. Hier teile ich meine Erfahrungen und was ich lerne.

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