If there’s one place where you can buy most of your camping gear, it is definitely Decathlon. This post will tell you why and show you the best picks, tested by many happy campers. There is equipment for all your…
The ID Buzz hasn’t had a chance to deplete its first battery charge and it already has a camping box / modular furniture that will easily turn it into a camper. These boxes are displayed in a VW ID Buzz…
Planning a car camping trip? You’ll need a way to keep your food and drinks cold. A camping fridge is an ideal solution! There are several types of camping fridges, each with its own benefits and drawbacks. Read on to…
Freshly out of the ehm, oven, the Dacia Jogger seems to be a promising, low-cost SUV & MPV cross that also seems to offer a lot for car camping. This post lists the latest camping boxes that are confirmed to…
There’s a tasty treat in here for all you DIY enthusiasts out there! I’ve come across the best instruction manual for a DIY camping conversion I’ve seen so far. It’s for Renault Kangoo and Skoda Yeti, but it will only…
A year later – it’s still the best car tent. I tested the Arpenaz Base M during our 11 day camping trip in Croatia with 2 days of rain and I’m very happy with it. Considering its price ~130GBP /…
Well... this is the end! But not to worry, more coming soon ;)
Well... this is the end! But not to worry, more coming soon ;)